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Harnessing Flowing Fluids to Create Torque

[Viewed 1789 times]

An apparatus and method for producing high output and low cost/time, sustainable energy (e.g., wind or water) via natural currents that is environmentally friendly. This technology is controlled by a simple counterbalance system that synchronizes the wings’ position and speed with a mechanical leverage point on the body of the device. The outcome is a coordination of harmonizing the wings pitch angle to a natural frequency of a fluids specific velocity. This oscillating motion is low in RPM and high in torque, which allows it to be extremely efficient at pumping water or generating electricity.

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Wind turbines typically require a 70-ft guyed tower as well as a substantial financial investment. Pterofin’s key moving components are mounted at the base of its unique, oscillating wings so they are easier to install and maintain and can be sourced easily. Pterofin is silent compared to the 55db of a typical small wind turbine.

Unlike a turbine, Pterofin technology is: efficient in low currents, inexpensive to manufacture, reliable in heavy currents, has a low cost of maintenance, quiet operation, is environmentally friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and can be made out of a wide variety of materials allowing it to be mass produced and easily adopted around the world.

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