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The Peace Keeper : Dynamic Caring Simplified
[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1194 times]
The Peace Keeper is a patent pending wearable device designed to lower the effects of caregiver burnout, increase daily productivity and improve patient care quality. The Peace Keeper can be incorporated within hospitals, nursing homes and residential homes across the world. The Peace Keeper monitors heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure and encoded with a gps tracker. Using a central database the caregiver will set standards for the vitals being monitored on the patient. Using two or more devices, you establish a bond by syncing the devices together. This bond allows the caregiver and patient to be connected at all times even from afar. Using sensors that currently exist you place all of them into one hypoallergenic lightweight device. Once the bond between devices is established and the set standards are in place if a problem should arise within the patient, the caregiver would instantly be notified by an alarm or vibration. The Peace Keeper comes in various sizes allowing all age ranges to benefit. Communication barriers between patient and caregiver would no longer exist. Caregivers would have more time to complete other daily responsibilities and the effects of burnout would diminish. Patients would be reassured that they are receiving excellent care even when alone and the caregiver would have a sense of security while away from their patient.
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