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[Category : - Educational]
[Viewed 1816 times]

It is considered an usual practice that the tennis player ( amateur , amateur or professional )
wanting to train alone , resorts to throw the ball against the wall, which always returns it
back to him in a continuity of raises , forehand and backhand , until to tire him .

The main benefit of this type of training : improving the gestures of the basic strokes (
forehand and backhiand ) . On the other hand , however , it doesn't certainly assure the tennis
player that his shots , sent against the wall with enough energy, would remaine in camp if the
wall had not been there. In addition , if left in the court, where in the court ? News very useful
to the tennis player who, in this way , improves to calibrate the shots and the angle to be given
to the racket according to the type of shot.

The goal of the assembly is to give instant answers to the questions above.

Financial information

1) I am interested to sell the whole brevet;

2) No my invention has not been sold before never and ever introduced in the market;

3) I am the legitimate inventor of it. I can sell it, I am the only owners of the brevet ;

4) there aren't other inventions or other brand on the referable market to my invention.

5) The potential market of my invention is enormous:
- all the tennis club (public and private for professionals and for dilettantes;
- all the tourist villages;
- all the Hotels from 3 stars in on;
- the gyms

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Page created at 2024-07-27 6:53:13, Patent Auction Time.