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[Category : - OTHER- BUSINESS METHODS- Telecommunications]
[Viewed 2972 times]

One part of the invention is the next:
The method is addressed for users who have the desire to contact with some other individual who allocates certain concrete attributes or characteristics or desires and is characterized by the use informative and telecommunication devices by them (mobile phones, mobile computers, tablets, game consoles, smart TVs, etc.).
In these devices we installing the software that creates the application, where we importing the criteria of search. After that the applications start searching (via devices) to find each other. Only when two of them meet the criteria bidirectionally sending extra information for the further communication of people equipped with these devices.
Advantages of the method:
Localisation the person we seek within the signal range of device (that we have) hence in near distance, which results in a direct communication.
Find only the people that wish to communicate with us.
Convenience: Using familiar devices (so user ftiendly).
Confidentiality: The searching only knows the users, the contact finally takes place only between users mutually satisfy the requested criteria.
Economy: Not addressing in specialized services of companies.

There are more other parts of the invention.

Financial information

The invention is under US provisional pending period.

I am looking to sell the all idea for further patenting (non provisional).
As you understand an invention that modifying the existing paradigm in communication is invaluable…

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