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System to add oxygen to the intake manifold of an IC engine
[Category : - Automotive Accessories - DESIGN PATENTS- Motors]
[Viewed 2426 times]
This invention describes a method which can be used to improve the output torque and resulting horsepower of internal combustion engines while lowering the overall pollution experienced with these engines. This invention will allow smaller displacement engines to be used in transportation vehicles without sacrifice of driveability. In some applications existing high horsepower engines can be boosted to even higher output levels. This invention describes an on board system that separates nitrogen (N2) from air leaving an oxygen (O2) enriched air that is used in combination with fuel to improve operation of the engine during its various modes of operation (start-up, acceleration, cruise, deceleration and idle).
Financial informationSale or license---- [ Also issued in Europe and Japan.] The Science of the value of oxygen addition to the combustion equation has been settled in Gov. labs in the US and other countries. Better mileage,torque,horsepower and lowered pollution levels can be achieved in all fueled IC Engines. This patent outlines a system to provide a simple solution to the engineering of the oxygen supply at all engine speeds. A small device about the size of an AC compressor with a replaceable screw on container [the size of a small oil filter] can be engineered. The patent also covers methods of storage of oxygen to be used during acceleration or directly when high speeds are desired in race or other cars. The licensee will beat able to control this technology for many years in the future producing smaller,low weight,lower cost and low cost to repair engines. This system is much much superior to the turbocharger developed almost 90 years ago. Jim Heider
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