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Combination Copper Aroma and Magneto Therapy Device

[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1549 times]

A multipurpose device built from copper, magnets and electric fields. This device is used in the cosmetic and body healing industry. In the cosmetic industry it is intended to be used for skin rejuvenation, skin stretching recovery, smoothing the skin, eczema, acne, and skin whitening. In the body healing industry its intentions are for the relief of sinuses, migraines and muscle pains such as cramps, muscle inflammations and muscle contractions. Research shows this device also has many other capabilities in many other medical fields.

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Looking for outright sale or License with royalties.

The world spends billions of dollars every year for only cosmetic products in the skin care field. Also, multi billions of dollars are spent for back pain, sinuses, migraine treatment, muscle inflammation.
This device is the ultimate invention for this century because it includes all these treatments in one package.

The cost to build the device is about $13-$15K USD. In 10 hours a day of working it is capable to attend to 25 people. Each treatment will cost $75-$110.

The device will be sold to places such as: Chiropractic, Orthopedic doctors, Physical Therapy, Fitness Centers, Health Clubs, Massage Therapy, Spas, Professional Sport Team Locker and Training.

It can be purchased by consumers at full price or rented on a contract basis. It is sold for $60,000 USD plus the remedies that will continue to be purchased for treatments on an ongoing basis. Based off of 5 business day a week, each month the device could earn a min of $45,000-$66,000 USD. The prices are based on people that live in an average income earning $28,000-$35,000 annually.

In order to introduce it to the world, there needs to be approximately 4000 devices manufactured to make people start hearing about this breakthrough in alternative treatments. The 4,000 devices would then be booked months in advanced. Our goal is that each city in the world will have a few stations.

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