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Medical record management system

[Category : - HEALTH- Educational]
[Viewed 2459 times]

My patent is about having a centralise database where you can store all a persons medical history ,from birth till death.When arriving at a hospital or GP`s office you need to complete a lot of forms.The GP or Specialis normally asked your medical history and many time we left out important information ,were as he can use you fingerprint (incases were you cannot speak for yourself) a ID or initials and surname get access to you medical history.On this file of yours he/she will be able to make a better assessment of your condition ,because he can seen previous medication and illnesses.

If this patent was in place it would have been easier to identified the persons that was killed last year around the world,because of the use of DNA.The patent makes provision for DNA codes to be stored.Which will help with all the unsolved murder cases and identification of people.

Financial information

I am open for negotiation.Never been sold before,image the revenue that can be generate if the system is been put in place.

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