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Bicycle Propelled By Arms And Legs!

[Category : - HEALTH- Fitness- Biking]
[Viewed 3321 times]

This is a bicycle that you ride that uses your arms and legs.
Unlike other dual drive bikes that use hand cranks, this bike uses power levers to steer and propel the bike in a more natural motion like running, skiing, skateboarding etc.

Bicycles are arguably the best cardio exercise available.

However the existing design does not include your upper body and only builds the muscles in your legs.

This bike is designed to add your upper body into the exercise, giving you a complete, full body workout.

Not only a great workout, but its also fun and fast!

A bicycle. A front bicycle wheel and rear bicycle wheel are connected to a bicycle frame. A steerer tube controls the left and right motion of the front bicycle wheel. A drive sprocket drives the rear bicycle wheel. Two hand grippable pivotally connected handles are each connected via a handle steering linkage connection to the steerer tube. They are both also connected via a second handle drive linkage to the drive sprocket. The pivoting of the handles in an approximately horizontal plane controls the left and right motion of the front bicycle wheel. The pivoting of the handles in an approximately vertical plane controls the rotation of the drive sprocket and drives the bicycle forward.

Financial information

I am looking for like minded persons, to move this product into manufacturing, production.

I am open to an outright sale, a license with royalties or other form of partnership.

This design has not been previously sold or marketed.

Over one billion bicycles in the word, and a 200 year old design. Its time to change the way we ride.

Videos and pictures on the website. Link

Contact patent holder: 760-807-1254

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