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90% efficent Engine

[Category : - Motors]
[Viewed 2470 times]

Compared to other engines that are 20-30% efficent and use up to 8-9 liters of fuel for 100 km our invention uses less than 1 liter for 100 km at 2x faster than a normal engine.for anyone interested dont hesitate to contact me:[Use the button below to contact me]

A motor vehicle including an internal combustion engine, which utilizes a power take-off mechanism, that converts the reciprocating linear motion of the piston into reciprocating angular motion of the gearing cylinder, being in gear with the partially teethed connecting rod via right angled teeth and rotating motion of the drive shaft which runs coaxially through the gearing cylinder and vice versa. The mechanism has means for causing the piston to pause while the drive shaft rotates. The motor vehicle comprises a fuel heater, an exhaust cleaner including a sinuous tube and liquid for separating impure components of exhaust, a main control module controlling the function of the engine and piston function, a second control module controlling the engine during the minimal running state, thus controlling the pause time of the piston, a third control module controlling the energy flow to the heater, the fuel feeder, and the air feeder.

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I am looking for an angel investor,investor or partner who can support us in our new invention that are much better than this.

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