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[Category : - Beauty, clothes & personal articles- HEALTH- Fitness]
[Viewed 2184 times]
I have a Ukrainian patent and international application to a very useful and exclusive product that will be in great demand in countries where sauna is popular . The benefit is in the protection of the scrotum against overheating and maintaining the quality of sexual function (hot temperature adversely affects the spermatogenic epithelium, leading to infertility). At present the problem of infertility and erectile dysfunction occurs often enough. I am a qualified urologist and have all this information entirely.
Financial informationI think, that at the correct serve of information, organization of productive process and advertisement, it must be success . If to considering that approximately 200000000 of people in regions, where the use saunas(by bath-houses) (Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia including western Europe, North America and Scandinavian peninsula ) (In Finland for 5000000 of people there are 2000000 saunas!!!). 40% of this population are men, and every 10th of them enjoys the sauna (then it is approximately 8000000 potential consumers). Now we will suppose that this product can buy in one copy every tenth from this men. It is 800000 persons and it is 1$ from 1 each product (800000$ in a year). If you were interested by this product, then ring up or write to me!
We will consider a sale or license, or a joint venture with a party who intends to bring the product to market. Thank you! Sincerely, Dr. Tachko Alexandr.
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