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[Category : - ELECTRONICS- Organic Chemistry]
[Viewed 3148 times]

A Novel Tool for Organics Research
Unlimited range of masses, relatively mild analysis conditions (low velocity of molecules in the analyzer), the highest scanning speed, and simple construction and maintenance are characteristics of the time of flight mass spectrometer (TOF MS).
A promising way to achieve high resolution in TOF mass spectrometry is the concept of harmony-step multi-reflector (HSMR), i.e. the analytical multi-reflecting system with the harmonic scan of the medium trajectory of an ion flow, without the need in intermediate corpuscular-optical (CO) elements between reflections.
Known now Pegasus GC-HRT (Leco, USA, 2012) has a record for TOF MS resolution of 50,000 (at 300 amu), is based on the concept of 2D HSMR mass spectrometry (2D HSMR, 2-dimensional HSMR). According to the concept of 2D HSMR, the medium trajectory scan of a flow occurs on a plane that is perpendicular to the base plane of the elongated reflector and parallel to the line of height. This concept proposed in 1992 [1], where set theoretical foundations for analysis and calculation of 2D HSMR TOF MS characteristics.
For widespread use of MS for the analysis of organic substances, the large and important part of a planet Earth it is required TOF MS with a resolution more than 100,000 (at 300 amu).
The new concept of 3D HSMR (3D HSMR - dimensional HSMR), proposed in US patent 8,598,516 B2, assumes that a scan of a medium trajectory of ions occurs on two planes, where the scan on a plane, which is perpendicular to the plane of the base of elongated reflectors, forms a closed-double-loop characteristic line. This is achieved by using a new type of ion mirrors, which are arranged in a special way relative to each other. This concept offers completely new possibilities for the development of mass spectrometry, compared to other known concepts, including the concept of 2D HSMR MS. It is shown that 3D MR mass spectrometry systems, in particular multireflecting 3D HSMR MS, might have a resolution of several hundred thousand at high sensitivity and compact size [2] than 2D HSMR MS systems. The patent authour made this invention based on its 40-year experience in mass spectrometry [3-5].

1. Nazarenko L.M., Sekunova L.M.and Yakushev E.M., SU 1725289 A1, 07.04.1992, Bill. # 13.
2. Sapargaliyev A.А., Spivak-Lavrov I.F., Sapargaliyev Y.A., High resolution, high aperture, high sensitivity TOF mass-spectrometers with expanded functionalities, 19th International Mass Spectrometry Cjnference. ABSTRACTS. – Kyoto, 2012. – Oral Session SO1-1000
3. Yakushev E.M., Sekunova L.M. (1986), Theory of electron mirrors and cathode lenses, Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, 68. 337-416
4. Sapargaliyev А.А., The general theory of space and temporal focusing of charged particle fluxes in steady electric and magnetic fields. – Almaty, ISBN 978-601-06-1836, 2012, p. 327.
5. Yakushev E.M., Theory and Computation of electron mirrors. The Central Particle Method. Journal of Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, V. 178, p.147-247 (2013).

Financial information

MS sales reached in 2013 $3.9 billion and expected to reach $ 5.9 billion by 2018, at annual growth 8.7%. Being further serially manufactured, the proposed Devices are able to displace the known analytical instrumentation on the market, especially those for obtaining information about quantity and quality of components inside organic and non-organic matter with high scanning rate in real time, in such applications as, proteomics, medicine, bilology research, etc.

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