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[Viewed 3191 times]
This idea will change the way we generate electricity , its renewable green and unlimited source of energy.
Basically the device generate mechanical energy that can be use to generate electricity, provided by nature for free ,liquid or gas in different temperature ,will provide the energy source ..Above 70 F and below 70 f in order to activate the attraction to a magnet by the Gadolinium metal .
The best places to acquire such a cold water would be the ocean , river and ground water below 70 f and warm water above 70 F can be provided by the warmth of the sun.
This video of a simple prototyp domenstrate the concept.
Patent no US20150295469
Financial informationIm looking to sell the or to form a partnership in order to develop the concept in an industrial scale.
This will change the way we generate electricity
because its require different temperature that is provided by nature for free . for example ocean , rivers and groundwater . where the temperature is below 70f and water temperature above 70f
this will activate the gadolinium metal like on and off switch. to be attracted to a magnet.
The concept will minimise the need for fossil fuel , and even nuclear power. It's safe renewable and the supply of energy is unlimited using mother nature .
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