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Super-Speed Internet on Old Phone Lines Available Now.

[Category : - HEALTH- Educational- Telecommunications]
[Viewed 2081 times]

I am the sole owner of Tyler Built and all rights, property intellectual and real assets:

Opportunity - One in four American has no access to affordable high speed internet for learning resources, business and other tools vital to society, business, education, medical.

Capitalization - A stronger society for current global economy and future global business.

High Speed Internet on Old Phone Lines Available Now.
Besides my provisional patent I have over nine years of lab notes, transcripts and research, my working prototype that has been tested retransmitting a digital high speed internet signal of 4MB/second (above the Government standard for funding and grants) every 8 miles and my services if needed to get this device to use.
Anyone interested in my patent, technology and my support: I will award, transfer and relinquish all the above to in confidence with discretion to in exchange for an agreeable sum and royalty percentage once deployed. If the investors, other vested parties are unable to deploy it, then I am owed me nothing. No Risk, No Reward.

Approximately 93 million Americans have no affordable access to high speed internet for education and business that is vital to society.
People could pay bills, shop and visit doctors online. They could work from home and take college classes.

Tyler Built's Technology is based on a simple conviction: The opportunities afforded by high-speed internet access should be available to every American.
Penn State Newsletter Feature Cover

"Innovation that connects people with technologies"
"Patent Pending" 62069889 Under 35 U.S.C. 111, 35 U.S.C. 371.

This small, convenient device with this new technology is inexpensive and readily available for manufacturing to investors, citizens and businesses.

Invention worth = $1,000,000 (one million dollars) every 17 minutes.
So All Kids can do their Homework; at Home. Worth = PRICELESS.

During my recent travels I have noticed most people where there is no CATV pay on average $90 for 10 GB of data, each byte, nibble and bit counted. At my home in Florida I can use that up in 500 seconds at a rate of 20 MB/sec which cost somewhere around $0.004456. Yes, 4/1000 of one penny they are charging $90 for.
At the rate of 0.02Gb/sec * 500sec = 8 1/3 minutes? At $0.77 per day would make it 5.347222222 * 8.333 = $0.004456? Rounded $0.0045 * X (X = number of CO office lines or last checked according to US Census about 92 million rural lines) = Log 409952 = 5.6127330095 = $414000.00, about a half a million dollars every 8 minutes. One million dollars every 17 minutes.

Financial information

At the rate of 0.02Gb/sec * 500sec = 8 1/3 minutes? At $0.77 per day would make it 5.347222222 * 8.333 = $0.004456? Rounded $0.0045 * X (X = number of CO office lines or last checked according to US Census about 92 million rural lines) = Log 409952 = 5.6127330095 = $414000.00, about a half a million dollars every 8 minutes. One million dollars every 17 minutes.

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