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[Viewed 1962 times]

====Right: reserved in Italy, with high support from Industry 4.0, also to foreign operators; LICENCE (1M People): advance (100 k€), royalty (8% on revenue)

====Goals: solar desalination geoassisted continuous, system to desalinate brackish or sea water; ====Usable in: small communities, agro-industrial SMEs, for supplies of fresh water or remediation of water bodies in the process, even in urban and peri-urban asset, waste water purification industry structure, production of distilled water industries, ====All IP set: Link . ====This invention refers to a method and a device for desalinating sea water, brackish water or from industrial processes. The device is suitable to use renewable energy sources such as solar or geothermal energy. The device is of the type that includes a tank (1) for the containment of the water to desalinate, in which there are heating means fitted to cause the evaporation of said water to desalinate, cooling means fitted to favour the subsequent condensation of the steam and means fitted to the collection of the condensed water and it is characterized in that: said tank (1), fitted to contain said water to desalinate, is filled up to a certain level (2); said heating means, for evaporating said water include a first heat exchanger (3), immersed in the water to desalinate and positioned nearby said level (2); said cooling means (5a), fitted to cause the condensation of the steam, are in heat exchange connection with the heating means (5b), immersed in said water to desalinate, said heat exchange simultaneously causing: a) the reduction of the temperature of said means (5a), therefore the suitable conditions for the condensation of the steam; b) the increase in temperature, into the depths, of said water to desalinate.

Financial information

============> IP available on each country: PCT (150), Paris Conv. (173)
===Obj: License and first refusal on priority rights in the national phase
===Market (fifth part on 10y): 100 M€ per 1 million inhabitants
===Brand: Guaranteed registered trademark in Italy, ®GUPC (General Utilities Performance Contract)

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