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[Viewed 1820 times]

====Right: reserved in Italy, with high support from Industry 4.0, also to foreign operators; LICENCE (1M People): advance (100 k€), royalty (8% on revenue)

====Goals: system for capturing hydrogen in aqueous fluids and converting it into electricity/DirectCurrent, also reversible system between MEC (Microbial Electolysis Cell) and MFC (Microbial Fuel Cell); ====Usable in: biogas industry and cultivation of algae, sewage and water treatment industry. ====All IP set: Link . ==== his invention relates to a device for extracting, produce and convert into electric energy the hydrogen dissolved in a liquid mixture. Said device (A, B) is of the type able to produce hydrogen through the use of bacteria and it is characterized in that it includes: • a first manifold (1), in which a flow (F1) of said liquid mixture runs into; • a second manifold (2), from which a flow (F2) of said liquid mixture comes out; • one or more pipes (3) fitted to hydraulically connect said first (1) and second (2) manifold, so that said liquid mixture flows from said first manifold (1) to said second manifold (2); wherein the walls (3a) of said one or more pipes (3) include: • a first layer (31), made of metallic material, fitted to receive the bacterial consortia, said first layer (31) being electrically connected to a first terminal (7), that constitutes the anode of said device (A, B); • a second layer (32), including a proton exchange membrane (PEM - Proton Exchange Membrane), said membrane (32) having characteristics of solidity and water-tightness adequate to ensure the containment of said liquid mixture; • a third layer (33), made of metallic material, electrically connected to a second terminal (9) that constitutes the cathode of said device (A, B); the dissolved hydrogen oxidizing and giving electrons to said first metallic layer (31), that is negatively charged, and the residual protons diffusing through said PEM membrane, that constitutes said second layer (32) and spreading to the outside of said pipes (3).

Financial information

============> IP available on each country: PCT (150), Paris Conv. (173)
===Obj: License and first refusal on priority rights in the national phase
===Market (fifth part on 10y): 600 M€ per 50 million inhabitants
===Brand: Guaranteed registered trademark in Italy, ®GUPC (General Utilities Performance Contract)

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