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(NEW) Conic Helical Container
[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 1360 times]
Product Overview The conic helical container has many improvements of traditional liquid aerosol containers. The conic helical design is more comfortable in the user's hands when using container. The conic design alone will also make the can more comfortable because of the geometry gradually becoming smaller going from top-to-base. The user's hands are in a natural relaxed position due to the helix's wedges.
Details The objective of the conic helical dispenser is to provide an ergonomic liquid product container which is shaped to allow the user hands to naturally hold the product; to allow more convenient packaging and portability by making the container stack capable; and to allow the user to minimize the fatigue, discomfort, and annoyance after continuous use of the container.
Advantages The conic helical container will make it so that the user can hold the container at any angle/trajectory (even inverted) and have no negative influence on products whose contents are under pressure.
The conic helical container eliminates the the annoyance of having a product sputter due to low pressure or low amount of product as the life of the container ends. Consistent pressure throughout the life of the container will solve this.
Another objective was to create a product that could hold more ounces of product. Due to the coil design of the product, it is able to hold more ounces of product in less cubic feet ratio compared to traditional containers.
Once the containers are stacked, the container can be attached to another and 'locked' on. This will make shipping aerosol containers easier. An advantage of the dispenser is that it is easily stackable and lockable onto each other for use and storage. This is due to the conic features of the design. By having a conic design, the center is hollow and one is able to stack one container on top of another which would enable more containers per pallet, less space is need for store shelf, and the user could conveniently store these containers.
Another object is to have the same rate of pressure throughout the life of the container. A dispenser that is dip-tubeless and fully operational.
Another objective, is a design that uses less material to make the container.
The many curved walls that coils and stack up on each other would give the container the ability to hold more pressure for compressed products. This is due to the Gaussian Curvature, which states a surface does not change if one bends the surface without stretching it.
The advantage of the cone design is that the container is more compact/portable for packaging and transporting; retail shelf space; and the user.
The container's conic helical design will help prolong the life of products that become less potent due to exposure of air. For instance, if a carbonated beverage was contained in the conic helix container then the life of the beverage is prolonged because there are less carbonation leaving the liquid and reaching the surface. As opposed to bottles where every time the user opens or shakes the bottle carbonation is lost because the easy access to the surface. Also, as traditional containers empties, the more air space is inside the container which amplifies the interaction of oxygen and the product. The conic helical coils acts as chambers and protects the contents.
This design could also be used for uncompressed products by preventing the contents settling to one area of the container therefore making efficient distribution. This is extremely useful when it comes to low pressure pump valves and semi-fluid products.
Financial informationI am looking for an outright sale of my patent. My invention has not been previously sold or marketed.
The marketing potential is great due to the fact that it covers many aspects of the aerosol market.
I do not have other pieces of intellectual property assoictated with my invention.
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