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Global MVNO and INTERNET OF THINGS over new gen access channel
[Category : - Telecommunications]
[Viewed 1419 times]
Do you want to achieve a pan world network coverage for your Internet of Things in a fast track mode? Do you desire to build a global mobile network rendering mobile data connectivity without investing heavily in spectrum and licencing and mobile network equipments? If yes, then the patent is a OneStopShop to fullfill your dreams. Patent Title: A method of wireless network system for realizing mobile communication through colour signals.
Objective: Create global mobile data/internet connectivity at massive scale over new generation access channels channels.
Application areas: Massive M2M/IoT, Device to Device communication (no constrains on inter device physical distance), Free Internet, Global Mobile Data Access, 6G Mobile Access.
This patent opens up a new vistas for IOT platforms. It helps to rapidly realize a ubiquitous , pan world network connectivity and coverage with minimum infrastructure and spectrum cost.
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Patent publications:No publication
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