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Sharing mobile data to friends with the same mobile provider

[Category : - Telecommunications]
[Viewed 984 times]

Currently, the only way of tapping into/sharing mobile data is with the use of personal hotspots that are temperamental and dependent on the two devices being in the same proximity as each other. But what if there was a way to send data to friends and family via a message?

For example, it is the 16th August and my iPhone 6s has no data left and I have used all 5GB provided by EE. What if I was able to ask a friend or family member to send me 500MB from their data deal to last me the next couple of days until my data refresh...

This could be a great incentive for mobile providers to advertise special offers such as free data to give away to friends on new contract deals. Obviously, mobile providers make money on buying extra data so what if you could buy data for a friend?

Generation z have become dependent on data and it would be a cool way to cheer up someones day buy sharing data as if it was a buying a cup of coffee for a friend or colleague.

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Im looking for an associate with a background in intellectual property to get this on the market.

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