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The Remolding Soap Dish

[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS- Bathroom]
[Viewed 1580 times]

Start this New Years off Right with a Billion dollar Patent. Guaranteed: 100%.Thanks
In Germany 1984 I Started collecting unuse pieces of soap and with my hands molded it into a baseball size bar of soap for reuse.Now I have a U.S Design Patent for sale #D708,453S Called:
'The Remolding Soap Dish' it will mold
the pieces of unuse soap into another bar of soap for reuse. All consumers Worldwide starting from ages of five years and older will able to operate the soap dish safely and will save money. Once the Soap dish is on the
Market for sale .The soap dish will be a (Billion) dollar Operation I Guarantee it. THANK you very much for your time.

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The Remolding Soap Dish is for sale only:Once on the market for sale. The soap dish will be a Billion dollar Operation. GUARANTEED

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