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Ingested Tri-Cam tablet to replace endoscopy and colonoscopy

[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1113 times]

Tri-Cam medical instrument that when ingested will transmit video of the patients internal tract and allow doctors to remotely diagnose and treat patients. The 3 cameras capture a 360 degree view to check for cuts abrasions and malformations. The cameras are placed inside a waterproof case then the water proof case is coated in fiberous material that will protect the patients from ingesting plastic and trick the body into thinking the tablet is food like allowing it to pass.Patients will be receiving a colonoscopy and endoscopy with no need for sedation
An endoscopy and colonoscopy cost on average $3,500 while this product can go on the market for $550.

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With 81 million people over 50 in the United States alone and 100,000 turning 50 each day our lives are always on the move we need to maintain our health in our older years with colonoscopy and endoscopy both of which average at about $3,500 dollars my device can be put on the market for $550 cost about $60 to make this gives your customer the freedom and privacy they want at a reduced rate a win win for the buyer

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