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[Category : - Tools]
[Viewed 1186 times]

A pipe-cutting tool is provided. This tool includes a body; a track on the middle portion of the body; a first moveable carriage mounted on the track, wherein the first carriage includes first and second rollers mounted therein; a handle mounted in the rear portion of the body, wherein the handle is connected to the first moveable carriage; a second moveable carriage slidably mounted on the track, wherein the second moveable carriage further includes a rotatable cutting blade mounted therein; a carriage stop mounted on or formed integrally with on the front portion of the body, wherein the carriage stop is adapted to receive therein a portion of the second moveable carriage; and a biasing member mounted between the carriage stop and the second moveable carriage, wherein the biasing member exerts substantially continuous force on the second moveable carriage for urging the rotatable cutting blade against a pipe being cut.

Financial information

I am looking for a license with royalties but would be
willing to discuss other offers. Marketing potential should be
exceptional since this tool simplifies the pipecutting experience
and since the pipe cutting tool can be manufactured in a wide variety of sizes.

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