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[Category : - Educational]
[Viewed 1805 times]

The patented method of subconscious Training English skills is defined as the activity in which all three skills – reading, listening and speaking – are learned simultaneously. It is in sharp contrast to the conventional methods of learning foreign languages as information to be remembered. Training English skills is a subconscious process that uses our brain’s propensity to find patterns in a repeated activity so we can perform the activity with less conscious input. The multimedia open-ended mobile application allows the learner to start speaking actively before he or she remembers the rules of grammar or vocabulary lists. The mobile application incorporates built-in support in the native language and makes all lessons, pre-recorded and new lessons added by the learner or the teacher, comprehensible. It could be used for self-training, corporate learning as well as classroom instruction or guided online coaching.

In spite of the great progress in advancement of English as a global language and spending billions of dollars on learning it, we observe a low English proficiency in such countries as China (#36), Japan (#37), Brazil (#41 out of 80 countries), and many others according to the world's largest ranking of countries by English skills measured annually by EF Education First.

1.5 billion English learners worldwide need a disruptive invention that would allow them to become fluent in English in about a year. To create a new solution for a language company is extremely difficult since it requires erasing the old belief system and adopting a new belief system. There is a shortcut to achieve the same objective faster and cheaper – acquire this patented proven solution in the language market and implement it as your own solution. The great advantage of the patented solution consists in that it introduces the subconscious process of training English skills that is much faster than conscious passive learning; besides it allows recycling of existing materials and transferring them into the Training English skills environment.

The success rate of learning a foreign language in the world, measured by the number of people who learned a foreign language for 3 years or more and who can express their thoughts in a foreign language is very low, below 5%. We all know the fact that about 25% of the Chinese population is learning English, and only 1% is capable to communicate in English. Low English proficiency is observed also in other countries, such as Japan, Brazil, Russia, etc. To change this situation the language market needs to move from conventional methods that belong to passive learning and have a 95% failure rate to the patented Active Training of English skills with a 95% success rate.

The patented technology of subconscious training English skills allows the learners’ brain to be fully engaged in the multimodal activity. As a result, the cross-translation, the innate habit of thinking in the mother tongue, turns off automatically. Learners start thinking in English from the start. The same mobile app could be used for vocational training, corporate training, and self-training of English skills. Self-training is possible because the mobile application has built-in support in the native language that makes comprehensible the pre-recorded lessons and new lessons added by the learner or teacher. The support uses the contextual translation that is shown for about ten seconds to preclude cross-translation in the head and allow forming direct wiring between English words and images or actions which they describe.

Conventional methods of learning foreign languages are limited to learning reading, listening, speaking and grammar separately; according to the Learning Pyramid it represents Passive Learning. Conventional methods can't teach you how to think in English and speak fluently using intuitive grammar. In the remaining part of this description, we would use the concept of Training English skills, although the patented approach is applicable to training any foreign language skills. The main tool of the patented method is the simultaneous repetition; it consists in training the mind to think and speak in English as a subconscious process using all senses simultaneously.

Simultaneous repetition results in the habit of thinking in the native language being turned off automatically since performing three actions at the same time fully occupies your attention and you cannot do anything else, including cross-translating. Simultaneous repetition helps learners establish direct wiring between words in English and images or associations which they describe without reverting to cross-translation into the native language.

1. How to replace the Chinese Way of learning English with more effective Training English skills?

When a learner continues thinking in his native language and tries to translate his thought from the native language into English and produce an English sentence, he fails. This is an unnatural process and explains why many Chinese can read and write in English, but so few can speak English or understand what others say to them in English.? The patented technology removes the main barrier to learning a foreign language: it silences “the tyranny of the mother tongue” and allows training of English as a specialized skill by using subconscious learning. As they experience familiar situations exclusively in English, the learners acquire the ability to speak in English automatically without the need to translate what they hear and want to say to and from the native language. Learners are surprised to discover that the subconscious, stress-free training of English skills is much more efficient than the Chinese Way of learning, and they virally spread information about the application that lets people acquire the English skills quickly and easily.

2. Why conventional methods of learning English belong to passive learning and have a high failure rate?

Conventional methods of learning English split the language into different components (reading, writing, listening, grammar, and vocabulary) and try to learn them separately. Learners can't use this information subconsciously or automatically. That is why learners are not able to communicate in English as a foreign language; they continue thinking in their native language and subconsciously translate the incoming information into the mother tongue to make it comprehensible. Passive learners can’t think in English.

EACH LEARNER speaks 80% of the class time when using mobile devices with an earphone and a microphone — irrespective of the number of students in the class. During training, the learner’s brain absorbs patterns based on intuitive grammar and develops a good ability to think in English. By showing contextual translation for ten seconds at a time, Active Learning eliminates the habit of cross-translation, which is the main barrier to clear thinking in English.

3. Why is it hard for adults to become fluent in English?

This is a million dollar question. When we find the true answer to this question, we will be able to answer a host of related questions correctly. For example, why all children are 100% capable to learn any foreign language whereas adults have about a 95% failure rate in learning a foreign language? Or why can't adults learn languages as children do?

The main negative impact of using the mother tongue in creating the second language system is associated with cross-translation. Most adults, when learning a foreign language, subconsciously revert to cross-translation to and from their mother tongue. Cross-translation is the main barrier most teachers ignore. When you cross-translate, you think in your native language while trying to speak in a foreign language.

Children do not have the cross-translation problem and acquire any language in their environment subconsciously by forming direct links between symbols or concepts and words or phrases in the new language. So, every language that a child learns becomes native to him. Children preserve this ability until about 12 years of age.

The new pedagogy is based on concurrent triple activity: reading, listening and speaking. In other words, to become successful learners they need simultaneous repetition: repeating while listening and reading at the same time. Simultaneous repetition delivers the tool that turns off cross-translation or the natural habit of thinking in the mother tongue.

The difference between the conventional methods of Passive Learning and Training English skills is similar to the difference between the flat-earth thinking and round-earth thinking.

U.S. Patent Classes & Classifications Covered in this listing:
Class 434: Education And Demonstration

This is the generic class for apparatus and processes not elsewhere classifiable for providing instruction about a subject or means; testing or grading a persons knowledge, skill, discipline, or mental or physical ability; displaying for purpose of comparison contrast, or demonstration; demonstrating characteristics and advantages of apparatus, objects, or processes; and cryptography apparatus.

Subclass 157: Foreign

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