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[Category : - Wearing apparel- ELECTRICITY & LIGHTING- Biking]
[Viewed 1229 times]
The invention is a signaling apparatus includes a glove that is configured to be worn on a hand of a user; a first light source that extends along and is affixed to at least a portion of a lateral side of the glove, the lateral side of the glove corresponding to a lateral side of the user's hand that includes, at least, the user's fifth digit, fifth metacarpal, and ulna bone; and a second light source that extends along and is affixed to at least a portion of a medial side of the glove, the medial side of the glove corresponding to a medial side of the user's hand that includes, at least, the user's radial bone and one or more of: (i) the user's first metacarpal and first digit, and (ii) the user's second metacarpal and second digit.
I came up with the idea while I was working in aviation, as a means to have a hands free way (without marshaling wands) to guide aircraft on the ramp. Instruments that have been used for aircraft marshaling include devices that are held by the person doing the marshaling. For example, such devices have included round sticks painted with high visibility paint and a flashlight wand that includes a flashlight with a translucent lens cover extending, at least partially, over the light source for the flashlight. Such devices have been used to communicate commands to drivers and/or pilots through a standardized set of hand and arm signals that are performed while holding the devices.
After the initial idea, more uses for the invention began to emerge (as you can see included in the granted patent), including but not limited to:
-Uses for traffic signaling for police, fire fighters and security officers
-Peripheral visibility for bicyclists riding in low light conditions
-Infrared uses for military operations in zero light operational theaters
-Additional lighting for individuals riding recreational vehicles
-Light sources for working in cramped spaces
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