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Electronic Phonemic Book

[Category : - Educational]
[Viewed 1056 times]

The invention is an electronic book that teaches individuals how to read through interactive components. These compnonents consist of pressing on the phonemic individual sounds of a word or broken segment of a mutisylabic word with syllables. Each page contains an interactive component in which a word, individual phomenic letter, phonemic blend, syllable, page reader, sentence reader, or defintion will be read at a push of a sensor. The sound will come out of a speaker inside the book. The device is also headphone accessible. The device extends into all languages in which some books will contain a bridge from one language to another in order to learn new languages. This will be in the form of a story book. This electronic book will physically look like a book in which the electronic components will be held in the spine of the book and the cover. The pages will be intercangeble in which new books will align to the elctronic component of the spine.

Overall, this is the first device that gives users the ability to learn how to read on their own. Compared to other educational device the electronic phonics book has proven strategies that teachers, tutors, and reading specialist use to teach their students how to read. This is a must need in the education world who suffers currently in reading. The device also looks like a book so that it can be put in an educational setting unlike other devices.

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