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Cloud Computing - Text-SQL relational database

[Category : - SOFTWARES]
[Viewed 1419 times]

For a Quick overview watch the 2 videos

About TextSQL Video - Link
How TextSQL Works - Link
Patent 1: Link
Patent 2: Link

I have outline TextSQL below for brevity. For more information on the second patent feel free to contact me.

Background of Invention:

Invented early in the web’s long history, cookies have been used for persistent local storage of small amounts of data, but they have several downfalls that hinder efficient speeds.

Cookies are included with every HTTP request, slowing down load and response times by needlessly transmitting the same data over and over to the server Cookies are included with every HTTP request, thereby sending data unencrypted over the internet (unless your entire web application is served over SSL) Cookies are limited to about 4 KB of data — enough to slow down load and response times, but not enough to be terribly useful

HTML5 web specification was designed to solve these problems presented by cookies and did exactly that, it increased persistent local storage size, resides on the client, is not transmitted to the server and is persistent beyond a page refresh. Unfortunately, this partial solution presented a new set of challenges.

HTML5 Limitations:
Cannot store structured data (only text strings) Cannot provide in-order retrieval of keys Cannot efficiently search over-values, Cannot relate and correlate the data, Cannot query data (no query language or schemas).

The Need:
One of the greatest limitations of building web applications that can be as responsive and flexible as desktop apps is client-side persistent local storage (web storage). Although native applications can use the computer’s operating system to store and retrieve application-specific data quickly, web applications rely on significantly less efficient means to store client-side data. This created a major bottleneck for performance and flexibility, greatly limiting the capabilities of modern web applications.

The Solution is TextSQL:
This long-standing unfulfilled need for an improved client-side persistent storage (web storage) system is now solved and was granted a patent Text-SQL Relational Database (# 9015165) on April 21, 2015.

How it Works:
This patented technology creates an efficient and effective web based solution transferring smaller data packets (compression), less frequently (reducing latency delays with less round trips to web storage and no trips to the server) producing the response times needed to deliver a better experience for end users of all internet connected devices by: Aggregates multiple values into a single key, reducing read and writes calls and times significantly;
Compresses Web Storage increasing the quantity of data that can be stored and reduces the size of data transferred; Provides a structured query language and schemas; Increases client-data security by encrypting and decrypting data automatically.

More Advantages:
State Management: State Management: means to preserve state at all levels; web pages, objects, controls, theme, data and user information in the web application explicitly. The challenge is due to the stateless protocols. This means a new instance of the Web page is created each time the page is fetched from the server. In traditional Web programming, this would typically mean that all information associated with the web page, objects, controls, theme, data and user would be lost with each round trip. This all might sound strange for unseasoned Web developers but it's important to understand, they must workaround the stateless environment,

Dynamic Theming allows the users' to write directly to class definitions, not adding styles to html elements (providing better web security). Pages and objects load faster; User's experience is substantially improved; Development is faster and less expensive; No need to create multiple style sheets

Financial information third party valuation: Average $22,261,622 with an exit value in year 3 is $ 254,628,050.

We are liquidating 2 granted high value patents in the Cloud Computing Market. The outright sale price is $2,000,000 and includes associated property (owner financing available with 10% down at 6% interest). Negotiable Price and terms.

Make an offer immediately

Market: Cloud Computing
Revenue Forecast:
Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud Revenue to Grow 17.3 Percent in 2019 to total $206.2B.
Software as a service (SaaS) remains the largest segment of the cloud market, with revenue to grow 17.8 percent to $85.1 billion in 2019. See Image

Spending Forecast:
Gartner Says 28 Percent of Spending in Key IT Segments Will Shift to the Cloud by 2022. More than $1.3 Trillion in IT spending will be affected by the shift to cloud by 2022. Gartner recommends that technology providers use cloud shift as a measure of market opportunity. See Image

We challenged ourselves:
Microsoft brought windows to the desktop personal computer and became the largest software company in the world (Bill Gates became the richest man in the world) .

Using these patent technologies we were able to build a windowing system for the cloud, called domWindows. Bringing domWindows, the only cloud windowing system in the world to the cloud. The perfect user interface for all cloud enterprise providers including Microsoft, Salesforce and more.

domWindows demo is located at Link (the id tells us where you came from).

This is why we are here.

Contact me for more information at: [Use the button below to contact me]

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