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WE SAVE LIVES! EMERGENCY 911 Response System
[Category : - SOFTWARES- HEALTH- Indentification and payment methods]
[Viewed 1225 times]
Universal Healthcare Network provides a transformative 911-Emergency Response system and mobile technology platform that provides a Patient/Consumer’s Medical Record and History (their medical and healthcare journey); but most importantly at a pivotal time during a 911 Medical Medical Emergency (WHEN MISSION CRITICAL MEDICAL DECISIONS ARE BEING MADE). It allows Patients/Consumers to be strong advocates of their healthcare and provides Medical Providers (Doctors, Nurses, Specialists, Hospitals) with a patient’s accurate, up-to-date medical history at the right time, right place, and on the right device! UHN owns the patent on storing any medical or healthcare information on a portable or mobile device (Smartphones, USB Drives, Wearables, or other mobile, medical response device) The greatest benefit of our solution may just be the gift of Life! Our solution is both patient centric and data centric.rnThis transformative, cloud hosted solution is for EVERYONE, regardless of their socio-economic category (everyone has a cell phone!). We are both a B2C (tactical play) as well as a B2B play – with an impressive revenue model. WE PROVIDE ACCESS TO INFORMATION WHEN IT’S LIFE OR DEATH! rnSo if you’re serious about Changing the World and Making the World a Better Place – Let’s chat. Please GIVE ME A CALL OR send me an email ([Use the button below to contact me]) and we can set up a 30-Minute Introductory Call. rnrnrn
Financial informationThe owner is looking some type of cash upfront, and a license with royalties or some other form of equity/partnership. The market opportunity with this invention is significant. Our estimates are extremely conservative. The U.S. healthcare market is $3.5 Trillion in market opportunity. If we capture only 10% of the market, our market opportunity is $40 Billion, outlined and identified in our Business Profile/Market Summary. And this does not account for the patent-protected revenue, or increased market share growth YOY (20%, 30%, 40% and so on). We have identified multiple market segments, and we have an impressive revenue model. Any questions, please reach out at [Use the button below to contact me] (Broker/Intermediary).
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