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A Low-Head, Water-Powered Reciprocating Pump

[Category : - Motors]
[Viewed 1228 times]

Glockemann Water Pumps

A reciprocating pump, and especially, though not exclusively to a low-head, water-powered reciprocating pump which can be used to pump liquid, such as water, at higher pressure than the pressure of the liquid used for driving the pump.

- Pumps do not require fuel and run on water only
- Well suited to all third world countries and rural and remote areas where fuel is costly
- Minimal cost to run – less than $2.00 per week
- Sales have reached PNG, Fiji, NZ, Solomon Islands, Cambodia, Thailand, Mexico, Canada, USA and many others
- Manufactured in Australia
- Pumps come with a 10 year warranty

Financial information

Looking for an outright sale of :
1. Australian Innovation Patent 2015100766
2. Trade Mark 1681532

Prototypes: Developed and produced sales of 5,000 units

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