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Wearable, steerable snow sled. A NEW Winter Sport

[Category : - OTHER- AMUSEMENT SPORTS- Ski, snowboarding, skating and skate boarding]
[Viewed 986 times]



This product reaches a large audience. Many people can't go to ski mountains for numerous reasons from knee problems, paralyzed from legs down, to the skill and balance it takes to Learn. This device solves that problem. Given product requires less skill and balance to ride and is a safer alternative to snowboarding or skiing from kids, to adults and even to handicap. Safer alternative for kids wanting to learn a snow sport and parents wanting their kids safe. Snowboarding/skiing requires a lot of practice just to grasp the concept. This product is quicker and easier way to learn and grasp how to ride it. Snowboarding/skiing rider is in standing position giving the greatest risk for serious injurious. With this product rider is in laying down position making a crash much less impactive. Rider can steer from leaning side to side while also using arm brakes for added maneuverability. Digging left arm brake steers left same with right brake. Lean forward to stop and/or dig both arm brakes. Lean back to go faster. The device is designed to be ridden with minimal use of lower body. Patent app including an added brace attachment for handicap that supports lower body allowing many lower body handicap enthusiasts now able to go where never before gone due to lack of proper device. Lightweight, easy 6 point buckle systems keeps you safely attached. Feet first device includes two arm brakes, two leg plates and a back shell that are all buckled and strapped on to the body then ridden. The shell also is able to slightly rock left or right while riding to further assist precise maneuvering and carving. Stopping isn't a problem even on the very steep slopes. Walk off lift chairs and no unstrapping and strapping in to ride.

Also available in the Face First model for skilled riders looking for a new perspective of the snow that they can't even imagine! Easily traverses the most challenging Ski Mountains with ease. I personally spent 5 years and 7 prototypes getting this ready for market and that time is here! I have been snowboarding most my life and thought of this 16 years ago when I was 12.

Majority of testing was done at Mt. Ashland in beautiful Southern Oregon. From the Bunny Hill to the Red chair lifts, the control and view of the ride is like none other. For those of you that haven't had the chance to ride Mt. Ashland, it is one of the most difficult mountains in the NATION to learn on.

Patent covers protection for face first, feet first and handicap models.

Send me an email if you would like more information or to set up a phone meeting. Thank you.



Warren Gibson
Owner & Founder
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I'm looking for a serious investor to get this product to market. Willing to sell full/partial equity in the Utility Patent.

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