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Slag Removal System and Method
[Category : - Construction Processes & Equipment- Tools]
[Viewed 1270 times]
slagRebel®, designed and manufactured in the USA, is the
only heavy duty stainless steel tool available that can be used
quickly and on site to unclog copper oxy-acetylene cutting
tips used by welders and other torch users. It saves oxyacetylene
torch users from lost productivity caused by
clogged cutting tips from broken tip cleaners and slag
blowback. slagRebel® also eliminates the need for drilling out
slag blowback that causes injuries from broken tip drills.
slagRebel® can save acetylene torch users up to 70% in tip
replacement cost which in turn save mining, smelting and
manufacturing energy cost.
Financial informationI am looking for the outright sale of my patent with inventory and rights.
This product will benefit from capital and marketing expertise for a professional product launch.
It is best suited for a company or individual with resources required to successfully launch, penetrate and grow the market that it will potentially reach worldwide.
Demonstration video
the Fabricator Magazine Technology Spotlight Article
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