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Bulb holder

[Viewed 639 times]

Method of converting fluorescent troffers to LED bulb troffers.
With Intelligent Lighting Technologies’ patented conversion kit, any fluorescent lighting fixture can be effortlessly retrofitted to accept LED bulbs. This standard medium base bulb socket is built into the ILT Conversion kit, allowing for the use of any style or wattage of LED bulb.
The design of the ILT Conversion Kit allows the unit to be placed in any fluorescent fixture, with no disturbance to the existing building
The ILT Retrofit kit removes the need for ballasts and any drivers that draw unnecessary power
Electricians are not needed to change defective ballasts, tubes or wiring as all the problematic parts have been eliminated

Install the UL listed ILT retrofit kit into the light fixture.
Screw-in LED Bulbs.

Fluorescent lights are powered by ballasts, while LED lights are powered by drivers. Many have transitioned away from fluorescent lights without considering ballast/driver compatibility, leading to multiple points of failure.
ILT Solutions perform just like your household lightbulbs - when the light bulb burns out, it’s replaced quickly and affordably - no special training is required!

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