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Delivering mails with drones (Patent N. 0001427519)

[Category : - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING- SOFTWARES- Telecommunications]
[Viewed 568 times]

The idea of ??the project is to deliver multiple goods in a single path with the use of drones.
The object of the patent's claim is a particular hardware device called collector, capable of carrying out multi-delivery. The operator plans, through a scheduling software, a route consisting of multiple destinations and associates an automatically generated QR Code to each item being delivered. The goods are loaded into special slots of the collector present in the hold hooked under the drone. The drone proceeds according to the flight plan given by the operator, searching for the electronic box, built ad hoc, of the recipients.
The drone will hook onto the electronic box and release the relative good to be delivered inside. At the end of the delivery, the drone will continue along the predetermined path to search for the next electronic box. Only at the end of the journey will the drone return to the starting location. Everything is monitored and managed via software.
Currently, we are in the phase of having created a "communication prototype", implemented a flight plan management software, verified the communication between the control station and drone and created a simulator. This simulator (SIL) is composed of:
1) Flight controller emulation software, able to perform the physical movements of the drone;
2) Companion module emulation software, capable of receiving commands from a station
control and to issue them to the flight controller;
The flight plan management software represents the control station, which allows you to send movement commands to the drone, establish flight plans, view the position and progress of the drone in real time, etc. This software can communicate both with the "communication prototype" and with the simulator; in this way it was possible to test the entire delivery process of some goods using the simulator.
The benefits are those of charging the drone only once, avoiding battery consumption and the time required for delivery, this is because the drone does not have to go back to pick up the good but continue to the next destination.

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