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Beer Pong Roulette

[Category : - Board games- Toys and games]
[Viewed 638 times]

A Roulette style Beer Pong drinking game where you have two teams competing to eliminate each other’s cups while spinning a cup holding disk. (Red cups & Black cups)

The game creates a new challenge to the age old Beer Pong and creates hours of fun and possibilities.

The revenue possibilities of Beer Pong Roulette exceeds the old Beer Pong as it creates a new and updated version that will challenge and excite adults for years to come.

Design and Utility Patents are filed and currently pending.

Financial information

Beer Pong generates millions in sales annually and with
the correct marketing and production Beer Pong Roulette
has the potential to match or exceed current market values.

The current fully developed game cost me $16.00 for materials.
The retail value is estimated at $49.99 per game.

I am looking to sell all intellectual property along with the completed game and all early prototypes.

I am also willing to work out a partnership with someone who would be interested in manufacturing the game or I can license the game with royalties.

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