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The hybrid electrical-power source ESTIMA.

[Viewed 510 times]

ESTIMA — it's the line-up of interchangeable modules with characteristics that allow you to create the required configurations of thrust power-unit for any model of electric vehicles, drones and portable power plants.
Due the innovative technical solutions based on previously unused physical principles, the specific energy density is 2.5 ÷ 2.75 kW/kg with the unlimited recharging cycles, and specific unit cost of ESTIMA's products — about 1,25 USD/W, that is much better than all existing electrochemical generators and fuel and battery cells.
The ESTIMA —based energy platform reduces the weight of the electric vehicle power plant at least on 50% in comparing to existing electrical-sources.

Technology briefly
ESTIMA — it is not a chemical current source and also, it's not a pneumatic-generator.
? This is a specially designed electric generator, with the "fuel" is ordinary air.
? This is a mutual coherent cooperation of the flywheel rotation energy, the air-flux propulsion energy, the inhomogeneous magnetic fields force interaction and the electromagnetic induction effect.
? This is the direct electricity generation from the magnetic field energy by EMF-inducing in inductive coil-windings.
In fact, this is an electrically generating “maglev”, where the compressed air cylinder is used as a “fuel tank”.

ESTIMA — is an alternative to all types of existing and future, still being developed, electro-chemical power sources, as: battery cells, fuel cells, galvanic cells, and more importantly, providing safe and environmentally friendly energy to people who’re left without an electrical-power.
ESTIMA — this is safe, non-toxic, environmentally friendly and cheapest electrical-power that is “always at hand”.
In extreme cases, to replenish the reserves of "fuel", unlimited access to which is available anywhere in the world, you can use a simple (bicycle) pump.
ESTIMA will find wide applications at: mechanical drive systems, electric vehicles, power plants of air and sea drones (including drones with a large payload); energy security, the military sector, as well as in rescue operations.

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