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[Category : - Telecommunications]
[Viewed 2951 times]

Cellular phones have keyboard with considerably less buttons than there are keys that we use when we write text messages (SMS, MMS). Taking in consideration that letters, numbers, punctuation, brackets etc. That means that desirable character cannot be accessed simply by pressing one time on the key, as it is usual for PC keyboards. One key have many various characters. Contemporary solution is based on time intervals which we must follow through during few consecutive key strokes: for desirable character we must follow the rule that time interval between the key strokes is short, and unlike that, the next character we must wait some time all until the previous character is accepted. Users cannot choose the tact by which they will hit keys. It depends on that tact which characters will be accepted by the device.

The goal of inovation which I'm offering here is to improve, make it faster and easier to type text messages (SMS, MMS) in all existing cellular phones.

Adventages of this patent compared to present way of typing is:

- reduced number for key handling on cellular phones

- user can modulate the speed to type messages by themselves according to what they want, ie there is no designated speed for consecutive key strokes

- handy and fast users are given option to type even faster
- when there are 2 or more characters on the same button, there is no waiting to type them

- inovation is acceptable and can be used in all language regions

- This process encourages to write correct grammar no matter what nationality.
The example are charachters like ?,?,? č,ć,?,đ,? which are used only by 5 percent of the users, who must abandon their correct way of writing.

- Users who present way of typing represents certain strain or holdback, this new way is allowing them to have more approachable and easier way to handle the keypad.

The invention is following through the development and transition of celular phones.
This invention has never been previously sold or marketed.

Josip Bastek
Petra Zrinskog 13
48260 Krizevci
CROATIA Hrvatska
[Use the button below to contact me]
+385 98/95 45 075
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