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"Crawling Bib" and "The X Bib"

[Category : - Beauty, clothes & personal articles- Baby products]
[Viewed 69 times]

The crawling bib provides protection to crawling children from cold floors uncomfortable surfaces and encourages quicker development thrughout the crawling stage, The Crawling Bib also protects the infants garments and facilitates the movement of the infant while wearing other garments.
The Crawling Bib and The X Bib (eating bib) were created with X straps for maximum comfort so that the infant does not even feel the bib and will not resist to the bib.
The bib has no buttons or snaps or velcro and therefore lasts for years.
These Bibs have been tested for years and have excellent reviews and are currently being sold outside of the US.
Both Bibs are water resistant as they have a Cotton-PU backing.

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The US Patent is up for sale for use in the US. The product has already been manufactured and the sale will include prototypes with appropriate testing (CSPIA).
The market potential has been evaluated by several professional business advisors and was found to be promising.
The current 2 models comes in four colors and two different sizes with 2 different types of material.

Hundreds of these products have been sold abroad with very small marketing!

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