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Smart Flexible Lighting System for Operating Rooms

[Viewed 60 times]

A smart flexible operating room lighting system with a control system utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) modules coupled to a wall, ceiling, or fixture of and mobile in a facility. The lighting system can modularly accommodate multiple illumination arms and incorporate microphones thereon, permitting the vocal control using the control system for hands free operations. The control system controls the movements of the illumination arms to desired positions and orientations via motor-driven actuators and position sensors thereon. The lighting system may include a speaker and a camera to facilitate two-way communications with a user via the control system to facilitate demonstrations for individuals undergoing tutelage in the facility. Further, a cover with a transparent front end may be provided to be slipped over the lighting system and securing through a cover fastener. Thus, the present invention provides reliable sanitary measures while facilitating efficient operations via the smart flexible illumination arms.

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