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[Category : - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING- OTHER- Automotive Accessories ]
[Viewed 8032 times]

A compact motorcycle towing device for a vehicle trailer hitch... ..The folding front tire channel is adjustable vertically to fit any hitch and compactly folds for temp' on-vehicle storage... ..The device is [1 pin] partially removable for quick, easy longer term storage inside the trunk space... ..The remaining vertical column is left, locked to the hitch... ..The towing device is variable in mounting depth with multiple mounting holes in the tongue and is mounted as close as possible to the vehicle for improved security and stability... ..The tongue portion is also adjustable in size or shimmed to remove all connection slack and instability... ..The new patent [US 7,537,234] reveals the flexible hinging connection for improved towing ease and the double triangle support system for improved vertical security... ..The hitch tongue and vertical element being steel with the wheel channels being Aluminum giving a combination of high carry strength and light-weight storability.. .. The smallest or largest motorcycles [850lb Harley] can be towed with ease at interstate speeds... .. A trailer with its: size, title, tag, tag renewals, insurance, bulk, weight, parking costs and storage fees and difficulty backing are no longer needed!!! ...Take your bike the easy way,[NO TRAILER[, then store your "CYCLEHOOK" in the trunk!.. ..This is the most stable, most compact, most storable, easiest to use "CYCLEHOOK"tm in the world.. .. [] is also reserved and trademarked. Please review the complete description at the USPTO with the number below... A base of over two million motorcycle customers waiting.. ..Have your own unique, easy start-up, easy fabrication, patent protected, high margin, product line... Perfect on-line, catalog or shop business... ..License to manufacture for a % of net sales or purchase assignment of all patent rights... Control your own future!.. Questions or comments are invited... E-mail: [Use the button below to contact me]

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Page created at 2025-01-24 5:11:45, Patent Auction Time.