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[Viewed 16288 times]
.. A true silencer is an essential add-on for all next-generation COMBAT WEAPON SYSTEMS.
.. Effectiveness of future weapons systems will be measured by the advantages AND protections of suppressed fire..
.. Summation of multiple techniques; in charge containment, acoustic energy dissipation, serial pressure reduction and velocity delay engineering, accomplishes levels of suppression approaching totally silenced fire..
.. Using an offset, Asymmetric bullet path prevents re-focus of gas pressure waves [sound] from typical symmetric walls....symmetric center-bore is much louder
.. Using no-typical, flat, right/angle baffles, BUT ramped, tight-tolerance, CURVING cones or "aerodynamic strippers" which convert the gas's velocity and pressure [by "lift"] into DEFLECTION of the explosive gases FROM the bullet path through lift valves to "SEPARATE and CONTAIN" all gases....
... First silencer, to pass the round cleanly, untouched, then diverting ALL gases into multiple "staged", decompressions stages and then weep the quiet stable gases laterally away from the bullet path... NO GASSES OR NOISE ESCAPE FROM THE BARREL..
... The heat, velocity and vibration energy within the explosive gases is split-off FROM the solid round, to be contained, slowed, cooled, delayed and depleted with serial pressure reduction, flow-blending chambers.. .Then using newly invented hyper-mixing, "slit" vents, tilted anechoic surfaces, tuned acoustic fibers, acoustic phase shifting w/ plus elongated "reversing" gas flow....
... The first SILENCER to control all "causes" of sound and energy release by depleting pressure peaks and embedded waveforms and most importantly, spreading the energy release over T-I-M-E..
... Structurally the new suppressor overlaps the barrel to increase contained volume, decrease overall weapon length and creates an important "integral truss" support unit of suppressor-barrel-weapon....
... Separated, mid and aft steel, barrel mounts have quick-fit, "snap-in", "twist-off", triple locking ramps insuring quick "on-off" use and absolute alignment.....
... Mis-alignment or weak, slow, difficult mounting are the common failures of suppressors....
... "Aim-point change" is avoided by integrating the suppressor truss WITH the weapon and not "hanging" [end to end] on an unsupported barrel....
... Typical suppressors are rejected from sniper use because of aim point change and decreased accuracy from barrel wobble....
... This new silencer improves accuracy with its integrated support [non-sag, non-whipping barrel] and low turbulence bullet release.....
... NO muzzle blast, no muzzle flash, lower IR signature and reduced recoil....
... Adjustable pressure valves vent automatic-fire over-pressure allowing rapid or auto-fire WITH suppression....
... Old style suppressors allow ALL of the "trapped barrel-air preceding the round" plus all of the "explosive gases following the round" to flow DIRECTLY from the BARREL!....
... The barrel air "preceding the bullet" is supersonic when it reaches the old style [right angle] baffles, which creates supersonic outlet turbulence and deflect pointed bullets causing "bullet wobble"....
... This latest generation suppressor effectively deflects barrel-air laterally, eliminating bullet wobble and improving accuracy by introducing the bullet cleanly into stable air....
. ..Field strippable in seconds and scalable from ultra-compact "assassin" handgun, assault rifles to the largest sniper caliber
... True "SILENCERS" get that free 2nd shot!...
... "Silencers" blind the enemy to firing position, situational awareness, group size and movement.. Silencers hid, protect and calm the shooter..
... ALL future weapons will be silenced [no muzzle blasts in confined spaces] for improved communications/control, with a calm, more cohesive unit, less flinch, less nerves, less P.T.S. and much improved accuracy....
.. Stealth fire draws less "locals" attention and draw less incoming fire!....
.. Silenced weapons "intimidate and suppress" opposing forces....
.. Firing non-suppressed weapons in combat is stupid!... You've just made yourself the next target and doubled your casualties
.. To understand the engineering advantages, please review the lateral view drawings...
.. Complete US patent rights granted, International PCT's filed in China, EU, India, Israel...
.. Market potential: An installed base of over 1 billion retrofitable, long barreled weapons, w/ a yearly "known, new manufactures", exceeding 1 million listed in trade data. The total of [non-trade] weapons, "made but held w/n borders" may double published numbers..
.. With market penetrance of only 20% of new manufacture systems and only 5% of the installed base systems, at $750 profit/unit, for a rapid start-up multi-billion dollar industry!
.. The advantage of patents is to
increase business protection and sole source profit margins..
.. Email: [Use the button below to contact me]
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