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Self closing dripless pour spout

[Category : - Automotive Accessories - Tools- Boating]
[Viewed 1759 times]

This product is ideal for the automotive and boating industry.
It is a self closing pour spout for a 1 liter container that requires only one hand for pouring, no turning or opening of a valve system,
Your hands stay free of hot or dirty surfaces and it is spill proof. Simply press down on the container and the valve opens allowing the oil or other fluid to be despensed. When finnished simply lift the container and flow is stopped.
This product is currently being marketed throughtout Canada and US and is liscensed to a marketing co.
This is not a exclusive rights liscensing contract so the patent is not incumbered.
This patent is registered in both Canada and USA.
There is also a patent for a pour spout for a 4 liter container available.
This product has a trademark name of OIL BUDDY and can be viewed by googling the name oil buddy.
I can be contacted at [Use the button below to contact me]

Financial information

According to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics for 2009 there are 254,212,610 registered passenger vehicles. Of these, 193,979,654 were classified as "Light duty vehicle, short wheel base, while another 40,488,025 were listed as "Light duty vehicle, long wheel base." Yet another 8,356,097 were classified as vehicles with 2 axles and 6 tires and 2,617,118 were classified as "Truck, combination." There were approximately 7,929,724 motorcycles in the US in 2009.[5]
According to cumulative data[1] by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) the number of motor vehicles has also increased steadily since 1960, only stagnating once in 1997 and declining from 1990 to 1991. Otherwise the number of motor vehicles has been rising by an estimated 3.69 million each year since 1960 with the largest annual growth between 1998 and 1999 as well as between 2000 and 2001 when the number of motor vehicles in the United States increased by eight million.[1] Since the study by the FHA the number of vehicles has increased by approximately eleven million, one of the largest recorded increases. The largest percentage increase was between the years of 1972 and 1973 when the number of cars increased by 5.88%.
• In 2006, there were over 46 million cars produced in the world. This increased to almost 55 million in 2007. The number dropped back down to just under 52 million in 2009.
• In 2009, it was estimated that approx. 3% of North Americans changed or added their own oil. Using the light duty figures alone, puts the market target at about 5,819,389.
• It was estimated that approx. the same no. of vehicle owners, added or changed their own antifreeze, which produces another 5,819,389 market possibilities.
• The no. of North Americans that added windshield washer fluid was estimated at well above 85% and included all vehicles. This would show market possibilities in the range, of approx. 208,430,718 in North America alone.

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