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Motionless Fuel-free Electromagnetic Electro Genereator
[Viewed 1692 times]
1. Characteristics.
• There are no consumables (including fuel).
• There are no moving and wearing parts.
• Does not produce noise.
• There is no radiation harmful to health.
• The size and weight of the generator depends on the power capacity. Dimensions and weights are comparable to the dimensions and weights of gasoline engines of the same capacity.
• The power of a single device is up to 5 kWt. It is acceptable to combine any number of single units.
• Size: diameter – 1 m, height – 20-40 cm. Weight: 30-40 kg.
• The output of the generator is a three-phase alternating current. Frequency and voltage – according to country standards (it is possible to adjust to the standards of any country).
2. Operating conditions.
• Open air space, or room (the required volume of the room will be established by experience after creation of the prototype).
• There are no restrictions on temperature, humidity and pressure.
• Protection from rain and dust is required.
• No special safety measures for people are required.
3. Functioning.
• The generator is started by the starter, which can then be switched off.
• The generator can work without being stopped. It takes a repeated start after a stop.
• The power capacity of the generator is determined by the load power, which must not exceed the set value for the particular generator.
4. Operation principle.
The generator converts the thermal energy of the environment (air) into electricity.. Note that the thermal energy of the environment is currently used in heat pumps, which are widely applied for heating of premises in some countries (Japan, Scandinavian countries). The generator is a source of electromagnetic oscillations. There is electrical load resistance (electrical appliances that consume electricity) in the electrical circuit of the generator. On the one hand, the energy of electromagnetic oscillations is expended as energy consumed by the load (devices), and, on the other hand, this energy is supplemented by the energy of the environment.
The energy conversion scheme is described in the book titled “Energy processes in fuel-free electromagnetic generators”
Financial informationThe cost of the generator is comparable to the cost of gasoline engines of the same capacity. However, there are no fuel costs.
Patent publications:No publication
Asking price:
1,000,000 USD
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