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Unified Tow Brake and its upgrade for sale or license

[Category : - Camping and Outdoors - Boating]
[Viewed 2460 times]

The Unified Tow Brake is a leader in the Dingy Ttow Brake industry, It applies the power assist brakes of the Towed vehicle as a mirrior image of the Motor Home or towing vehicle
It is presently the prefered system for the R V Manufactures and Chassis manufactures both. The AAAA system is also available as an upgrade or seperate system. The UTB system is presently manufactured and marketed by an exclusive license. I will make both properties available with or without background license. Every R V dealer and supplier has access to the existing product. The Upgrade AAAA patent pending system has a potential of increase volume of sales for the UTB to turn the supplemental brake system market upsid down.

Financial information

Pipe line needs to be filled at 2500 dealers in the us
2.8 mil gross

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