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Mechanical protection of electric lines at rime and wind

[Viewed 7747 times]

Ioan Rusu
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Mechanical protection of aerian electric lines at rime and wind

Name of Patent F 2009 0025:
Mechanical fuse for electric lines with elastic insulation

Aerian electric lines, in hard winter weather conditions, at sediment rime, are working at mechanical limit parameters. If in the same time, with rime on conductors, the wind is very strong, the mechanical forces wich working to conductors and poles could be over design force limit and the electric lines goes to large demages.
The Romanian energy history, in the last decade’s, record hard demages in LV, MV, HV aerian electric network in many regions with sediment rime and strong wind.
The demages consist in broken poles and shortcut conductors for parts or for entire electric lines.
An example of a hard demages of electric lines at sediment rime and strong wind was registered in January 2008, in Muntenia Nord Region, Galati County, Romania, when the total broken poles at MV lines was more than 600.
Even, if these weather phenomenon of sediment rime and wind are rare in time, once of a few years, the violance of demages is impresive and the repair costs of electric lines are very high. From practical experience, the repair works was in fact works for built new electric lines.
For limit the efect of electric lines demages at sediment rime, wind and high cost of repairs, the author Ioan Rusu design a mechanical fuses which are working at limit force.
The mechanical fuses which put the conductors down, protect the poles and avoid the demage of entire electric lines. Using mechanical fuses, in case of sediment rime and wind demages of electric lines, the repair works consists only to set up the conductors at insulation lines and reconect lines at voltage system.
This solution using mechanical fuses could also protect electric lines at broken poles by car accidents and trees broken by wind over conductors.

At massive sediment rime on electric lines conductors and strong wind, using mechanical fuses we have some important advantages: the poles and conductors at demages
2.small costs of repair compare with the demage of entire line
3.electricity feeding for customers in reasonable time

This PATENT was presented at IEEE Conference:
Modern Power System 2010, Cluj, Romania, published by RESEARCH GATE, BERLIN:

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