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[Category : - Food]
[Viewed 2165 times]

Patent Application Number: 13/440,923
This invention relates to a method of preserving iceberg and romaine lettuce and other leafy vegetables for an indefinite period of up to possibly 90 days and beyond in a fresh, crisp, leafy state. Once picked, lettuce and the aforementioned leafy vegetables will go bad after only a few days, to a maximum of two weeks, in the optimal situation in a refrigerated environment, and this method will provide for a shelf life of extended periods of time. This system will improve the environment by providing a greater fresh leafy vegetable food supply for all countries.
As previously mentioned in the original application documents, a porous filter is used as a means to filter the water entering the stem of the lettuce. This filter is not described in detail and is a paper towel used to absorb moisture from the plant itself. As stated in the secondary modified protocol, the method may contain “0” parts water. Each of these processes have an effect on the freshness of the lettuce and the duration of time the lettuce will remain fresh, but the longest duration is obtained by the use of “0” parts water with loose salt as an agent used to absorb the moisture with no water included. No new items are being introduced in this modification of the original application, but some items are not used to produce desired results. A small salt packet, or approximately one teaspoon of loose salt is enclosed in the paper towel used as the filter which absorbs the excess moisture. Reverse capillary action is produced to allow the moisture to drain from the item in this modification and is absorbed by the salt. Claim 3 (c) which has the pricked holes can be considered to be facilitating the reverse capillary action and is the “flash of genius” that produces the extended time in which the lettuce can remain fresh. This system is a variation of the first two protocols, but is still the same basic premise in that the pricked holes produce the action of flow of moisture, although in this case from the lettuce into the cup which the approximate size is modified to have a smaller opening and longer height to keep moisture from being able to enter back into the lettuce once extracted.

Financial information

I am looking for a possible innitial payment for the license and royalties for each item sold. It has not been marketed for sale before, but this system is a new method to provide fresh lettuce to areas that previously could not obtain such fresh lettuce, such as US Navy Ships, cruse ships, overseas markets, and other remote areas that have little or no acces to fresh food supplies. This system represents a dramatic improvement over curent systems that allow lettuce and other leafy vegetables to spoil very rapidly. In addition, fast food providers will benifit from the extended fresh leafy vegetable and lettuce supply.

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