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[Category : - Telecommunications]
[Viewed 1532 times]


The invention “Internet and phone alarm” system copyright license (license number SRu 1-047-547) is for sale in the amount of $3.5 Billion. Contract may be valid to single buyer for the validity of the license. No renewals are promised. And its valid 70-90 years. The buyer will be the only license carrier for the invention plus myself will be the other license holder for the invention. The Internet and telephone programs will be provided to the buyer.

Working mechanism:

By calling 800 number or on reserving on the Internet the customer booking into the system and reserving the time of call back anytime during 24/7/365 days of the year. Which call back will mean alarm wake up. There are options of single reservation, weekdays, weekends. Each call you may charge the customer may be equaling to $.50-60 cents. Or $12 dollars monthly subscription with the established single or two reservations per day.
By than opportunities to make money out of this giant business are tremendous and the new license holder will be the only service provider and myself. Thank you very much for the serious business you may make with us. Have a great day.


Financial information


The invention “Internet and phone alarm” system copyright license (number SRu 1-047-547) is for sale in the amount of $3.5 Billion. Contract may be valid to single buyer for the validity of the license. No renewals are promised. And its valid 70-90 years. The buyer will be the only license carrier for the invention plus myself will be the other license holder for the invention. The Internet and telephone programs will be provided to the buyer.

Working mechanism:

By calling 800 number or on reserving on the Internet the customer booking into the system and reserving the time of call back anytime during 24/7/365 days of the year. Which call back will mean alarm wake up. There are options of single reservation, weekdays, weekends. Each call you may charge the customer may be equaling to $.50-60 cents. Or $12 dollars monthly subscription with the established single or two reservations per day.
By than opportunities to make money out of this giant business are tremendous and the new license holder will be the only service provider and myself. Thank you very much for the serious business you may make with us. Have a great day.


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