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Simulative sports cap kit
[Category : - AMUSEMENT SPORTS- Headwear- Football]
[Viewed 5759 times]
The sports cap kit includes a sports cap with a primary symbol representing a favored sports team attached to the cap above a visor thereof. The primary symbol has a normally open mouth including a movable jaw. At least one smaller, removable, secondary symbol representing an opposing team engages within the open mouth and the lower jaw is moved to create a chewing action, the interaction between the two symbols sending a message that the favored team will "chew up" or dominate the opposing team. Does not require movable jaw.
Financial informationI have been looking for someone to manufacture this but there are laws against it if they dont have rights. I am looking for somebody to buy it or make it. The guy who made the cheese head hat made a million - why cant we?(or you) How about a Patriot with a piece of cheese in his mouth or Matthews with a patriot in his mouth! Or a Seahawk - Or a Colt? Well that's a little old. How about a Blackhawk with a bolt of lightning in its mouth?
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