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Set of Pocket Bed Sheets

[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS- Camping and Outdoors - Baby products]
[Viewed 4441 times]


* Doesn't slip of the mattress overnight

* Avoids the hassle of being wrapped in the loose sheet

* Promotes a better night's rest

* Ideal for households, Hotels and Foster and Nursing homes


* Sheets may be producible with any material including silk.

* Features elastic on both ends of fitted sheet and on the bottom end of the flat sheet larger ends than the conventional ones.

* The user stretches the ends over the corners of the mattress in order to secure the sheets

* The larger ends prevent the sheets from slipping off the mattress

* Variations include different sizes and materials

Financial information

Looking for a License with Royalties partnership.

Marketing Outlets:

* Bedroom-supply outlets

* Housewares centers

* Discount departments and variety stores

* Warehouse clubs and super stores

* Wholesalers of bedding

* Televised home-shopping programs

* Websites

* Mail-order catalogs

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